Figs Baseball

Support the Team

Big or small, donations are always appreciated. Either financial or physical donations allows the team to have the best experience for each member while taking the weight off the player's pockets.
Below are some examples of how you can support the Figs Baseball Prospects.

New Gear

Either for the team or your favorite player:
- bats
- gloves,
- shoes
- helmets
- catcher gear

Old Gear

With some help we send baseball gear to some countries where many kids have the dream of becoming a baseball player like the ones they see on TV but cannot afford to buy a new glove or a pair of shoes. Figs Baseball Prospects try to keep that dream alive for many young athletes.

Gym Equipment

Having an extra bench, weights, treadmills or any other gym equipment is never bad in a place full of athletes. If you are not using it anymore consider giving it to the team, it will be used.

General Supplies

There are some ways you can help the team that often get overlook, things like bottled water, gatorade, snacks, balls and cleaning supplies are some items that in a team of 20+ players gets pricey very quick.

Money for the team

If you prefer giving a financial contribution, everything you send will be split in 50% for the leaders and 50% on gear/supplies for the team.

Money for the website

Lastly if you want to support the website and the company in general, everything you send will be split in 30% for the leaders and 70% in the website development, marketing and other promotions.